HOME Corporate Japanese working style from a Danish’ perspective(デンマーク人から見た日本の働き方)

Japanese working style from a Danish’ perspective(デンマーク人から見た日本の働き方)



So, the overall case of the presentation was: Let's analyze the Japanese way of working from a Scandinavian value perspective and try to improve what we think are the issues.
I had to research the general working style of Japanese (office) workers from my perspective as a Dane and a Scandinavian citizen.



  • 北欧の価値観から日本人の働き方を分析し、
  • 問題だと思うところについて改善提案を行うこと


Common thoughts on the Japanese working style

I (whose mother and father are Japanese)first wrote down my own thoughts and imagines of what I thought Japanese employees work. My initial perspective contained of long working hours, inequality between men and women, low income, and then the wild drinking culture after work (also on weekdays). These were my general perspective of what a Japanese worker was characterized by.
Then I researched on the internet (YouTube & articles) to find out what qualities the average worker in Japan possesses. The most mentioned quality of the Japanese working style was the hierarchy/seniority that is often found in a large or small company. This hierarchy between workers and bosses and presidents is especially interesting to investigate, because it is nothing like I have experienced in Denmark. In Japan there is a clear division between the president and bosses in one unit and then the lower titled workers in another unit. This hierarchy can cause miscommunication between the bosses and workers and the worker would also lose the ability to fully express themselves to their bosses when this strong division is at stake. Another common thought of the Japanese working style is the long working hours that an employee will normally go through. It is common to work overtime without any kind of compensation, but the employees will often feel pressure from their bosses or even their own loyalty to their company. Employees in Japan have a strong loyalty to their company because they know that their hard work is supporting the Japanese economic growth. But what is very interesting to look at is that Japan has a very low productivity rate, and even the lowest between the G7 countries (America, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italia, Canada, Japan and Russia). Those long working hours doesn’t necessarily mean a high productivity rate.
Other thoughts on the Japanese working style exist of competitiveness and inequality pay between men and women.



  • 長時間労働
  • 男女格差
  • 低収入
  • 仕事帰りの飲酒文化






I then made a survey for Japanese office workers, mostly to find out what the general perspective is on the Japanese working experience. 61 responders took part in this survey therefore I could generalize the common thought around the case and then eventually compare the results to the Danish working style (from my perspective).



1st question: “How much do you work in a week?”

82% answered 37 hours or more, which is the same as in Denmark for full-time employees. If you should consider your pre-knowledge of the working hours in Japan, you could imagine the average working hours in a week in Japan is between 40-45 hours, whereas in Denmark you don’t often find overtime work and especially not without compensation (like not having to work as much the week after or save up for paid leaves).

1問目 :「1週間にどのくらい働きますか?」

1st Q

2nd question: Do you get benefits from your work contract?”
I was surprised of the result of this question. 39,3% answered “yes”, 37,7% answered “maybe”, and 23% answered “no”. About ¼ answered no if they get great benefits, and maybe this has something to do with how much they work or maybe in general how their work conditions maybe don’t match up with their benefits.
Someone commented on that there was a high “maybe” percentage, and made a really good point about, that Japanese people are usually indecisive. This is shown perfectly shown in this survey.


2nd Q

3rd question: “What kind of benefits do you get?”

I then asked which kinds of benefits they get if they answered “yes” on the previous question. The most common mentioned benefit is “healthcare” and “social insurance”. I then looked into the common benefits an ordinary full-time employer gets according to the internet, and I was surprised of how many great benefits an employer in Japan gets. The most important ones are the healthcare insurance as well as social insurance, but an employer can also get their housing cost covered or have paid technology equipment as well as parental leave allowance.


次に、前の質問で「はい」と答えた場合、どのような福利厚生が得られるかを尋ねました。 最も一般的に言及されている利点は、「医療保険」と「社会保険」です。

4th question: “Do you get free time to go on vacation? – how many days a year do you get free time?”

People in Japan get about 10 days paid leave, so in the survey people mostly answered that they get “1 week or less days” off (37,7%) or between “1-2 weeks” (37,7%). In Japan people often take less than 10 days off work and take maybe 5 days off instead. They can save up their vacation days until they quit, which is not something you can do in Denmark. For what I have read on the internet, it is mostly about the pressure of not being a hard worker if they take a lot of days off in a year. Nonetheless Japanese workers take at least some days off work, which I think is very important to do, when you work full-time.

4問目:「旅行に行くのに自由な時間はありますか?- 年間何日くらい休暇を取れますか?」

4th Q

5th question: “Do you like your workspace?”

Almost half of the responders answered “yes” (49,2%), which is very good. Almost ¼ of the responders said “no” (23%) and 27,8% said “maybe”. There are still many people who doesn’t like their workspace.


5th Q

6th question: “Why do you like your workspace?”

People answered this question with mostly the access to “flexibility” between home and office as well as “great co-workers with same mindsets”. The flexibility is very good to have within a workspace, so workers can schedule after their own situations, if they have to look after kids or other family matters. But this differ between the companies in Japan. Having great co-workers is also very important in a workspace because workers can become motivated by each other.
Other answers were: “Open and free (no strict rules)”, “Better concentration rate at the office”, “great facilities (drinks, nearby stations, office supplies)”.


しかし、これは日本の企業によって異なります。 労働者はお互いにやる気を起こさせることができるので、素晴らしい同僚を持つこともワークスペースで非常に重要です。
その他の回答としては 「オープンで自由(厳しいルールがない)」「オフィスでの集中力が高まる」「設備が充実している(飲み物、最寄り駅、事務用品)」などがありました。

7th question: “Are you satisfied with your work environment?”

Over half of the responders answered with “yes” (54,1%), which probably cohere with the 5th question. ¼ said “maybe” and 1/5 of the responders said “no”.


半数以上が 「はい」(54,1%)と答えており、5番目の質問とおそらく一致しています。また、「たぶん」と答えた人は1/4程度、「いいえ」と答えた人は1/5程度でした。
7th Q

8th question: “Why don’t you like your work environment?”

I thought it would be interesting to see what problems there could be within their work environments. 1/5 of the responders answered “no” to the previous question, and that is still a quite large number of responders that don’t think they have a good work environment. The unsatisfied Japanese workers mostly said, “long working hours” and “don’t like their superiors”, which indicated that many workers have problems with their president or boss.

Maybe the root of the problem lies in the way that Japanese people think about work. The mindsets of the Japanese people have been the same for many years, and that is hard to change, but if Japanese workers could look from a different perspective of how people should work and why they work, then maybe the Japanese working style could be less intensified and more comfortable.





I then had a very small interview with Japanese workers from the &donuts project to be able to confirm the overall perspective from the survey. I only asked them three different questions, because these questions would give me the general idea of the Japanese working style.



1st question: “What do you think are the problems in the Japanese working style (ex. Lack of benefits, non-flexible hours, salary)?

They mostly answered with what I also got from the survey. “non-vacation culture”, “seniority”, “overwork”, “lack of communication” and “non-flexibility (because of low quality)”, which I think has changed after covid, but in general it is better to meet up in the office because a worker will be able to work with higher quality and therefore also the have a product of better quality.



2nd question: “If you think there should be some improvements in the Japanese working style, what should it be?”

Their answer to this question was based around the problem that often comes from the “old” mindset of being in a working environment. People in Japan still lives with the same values, beliefs and mindsets dating back 40 years, and that is maybe where the problem actually lies.
Other answers they gave were, that it is hard to fire someone as well as there hasn’t been a salary change in 30 years.



3rd question: “Have you got an idea of what the typical perspective of the Japanese working style is?”

The answers to this question are very similar to the answers that are already mentioned: “Overwork”, “old mindset”, “pressure, and “lack of communication”



Denmark vs Japan

I then compared working style between Denmark and Japan.


What to improve

Lastly, I wanted to give some suggestion to how the Japanese working environment should improve from my personal perspective as well as from a westernized, Scandinavian view. First of all, I think you work best in a good working space (more open spaces as well as more individual space), seniority should be more loose, flexible hours, appeal for more vacation, treating men and women equally, and comfortable environments (no pressure from other co-workers). 



  • 働きやすい空間(個人のスペースだけでなくオープンなスペースも増やす)
  • 年功序列はもっと緩く
  • フレックスタイム制
  • 休暇の多さをアピール
  • 男女を平等に扱う
  • 快適な環境(他の同僚からのプレッシャーがない)


I only have experience from a Danish working environment, but those working conditions cannot be complaint about. Denmark has the third best employment law in the world (2021), so I should really appreciate the work conditions I have when I go to work. So, with these conditions in mind, I came up with some suggestion for the Japanese working environment.



I got many comments on my presentation, Thank you so much! 

1st point: Overworking is the norm in Japan!

I think I got this comment by many, and I think it is completely right, because that is just how the Japanese workers work without thinking a lot about it. 

“My husband's company is overworked in the traditional way, but he doesn't really mind. However, it is not flexible for the family, so they have to put up with a lot.” 

“I thought most reason why Japanese people work overtime is mindset... if people want to care family, they want to finish their work earlier.”

“Furthermore, I thought that many people work overtime, so long hours are the norm in the mindset”

“In spite of high pressure, maybe we do not realize it I think...”

These comments about the overwork tradition for Japanese workers is not something many Japanese workers mind, because it is included in the norm. But looking from an outside perspective it looks like it is a really unhealthy norm and culture.  





  • 夫の会社は昔ながらの過重労働ですが、本人はあまり気にしていません。しかし、家族にとっては融通が利かないので、我慢しなければならないことが多いです。

  • 日本人が残業をする理由の多くは、家族を大切にしたいなら早く仕事を終わらせたいという心理だと思いました。

  • さらに、残業する人が多いので、長時間労働が当たり前という意識もあると思いました。

  • プレッシャーが大きい割に、自分では気づいていないのかもしれない...。


2nd point: priority of the individual

The second point deals with how the individual prioritizes their life. 

 “I thought that in Japan, people unconsciously think of work as the center of their lives. I think the Danish way of thinking is wonderful, and as an individual, I envy their way of thinking... However, in Japan, even if a company adopts such a corporate policy that values individual life, if the client does not have such a way of thinking, it will not go well. I also thought that even if a company has a corporate policy that values the lives of individuals, if the clients do not have such a mindset, it will not go well...”

“I thought that people in Denmark do not work overtime because they value their families.Japanese people, in many cases, do not want to go home for work. My father was like that.”

And the first comment highlights how the Danish workers think perfectly. In Denmark workers work so they can support their family or themselves. They value the family or themselves more than the actual work, and with that mindset Danes think about their individual worth more than the value of the work itself. Of course, there are Danish workers who are very career orientated, but they also know their limits. Career orientated Danish workers works with selfish reasons in mind like working to build up their own reputation instead of the company or the clients. With this mindset overwork is not common in Denmark and pressure is not felt as much compared to Japan, because Danes know their limits and know their self-worth. 

It is really hard to suddenly change the mindsets of all Japanese workers, but from the outside perspective, this mindset can become toxic and unhealthy for all future generations who will enter the work environment as well. 



  • 日本では、無意識のうちに仕事を中心に考えているのではと思いました。デンマークの考え方は素晴らしいと思いますし、個人としても羨ましいのですが...。しかし、日本では、会社がそのような個人の人生を大切にする企業方針をとっても、クライアントがそのような考え方を持っていなければ、うまくいかないと思います。また、個人の命を大切にする企業方針を掲げても、クライアントがそのような考え方を持っていなければ、うまくいかないと思いました......。

  •  デンマークの人が残業をしないのは、家族を大切にしているからだと思いました。日本人は、仕事のために家に帰りたくないというケースが多いです。私の父もそうでした。 



3rd point: Japanese working style is changing

As I also have written previously, Japanese working style is changing bit by bit for the better, which is very good. I think Japanese people need to recognize their values and limits more than now.  

“In Japan, the situation is gradually changing with calls for reforms in the way people work, but I felt that there is still a long way to go. Even in such a situation, I thought that Innovator Japan's way of working is not so bad.” 

“…I feel that Japan is gradually shifting from a work-centered to a lifestyle-centered mindset, as work from home has become common due to Corona, but there are still some so-called "sports club" types in Japan, and I hope that the world will become a more relaxed place” 

“…I think IJ is good place to work, compared with my ex-office”

“I wish more companies would allow us to take time off without feeling guilty.I also think the reality in Japan is that many women do not need to be paid as much as men and want to work loose. Things are changing a little bit, though.” 

Innovator Japan is really a great company in my perspective because it has all the right values that should be implemented in an office as well as having a great environment when working. I was very surprised by all the facilities as well as all the individual options an employee has when working for this company. Innovator Japan is definitely going in the right direction in terms of Japanese workers quality of life from the outside perspective. 



  •  「働き方改革」が叫ばれ、少しずつ状況が変わってきている日本ですが、まだまだ道のりは長いと感じました。そんな中でも、イノベーター・ジャパンの働き方は悪くないと思いました。

  • 日本はコロナの影響で在宅勤務が一般的になり、仕事中心から生活中心の考え方に少しずつシフトしているように感じますが、まだまだいわゆる「体育会系」が残っており、もっとゆとりのある世の中になってほしいです。

  •  前の職場に比べたら、IJはいい職場だと思う。

  • 罪悪感を持たずに休める会社がもっと増えてほしい。また、日本の現実として、女性は男性ほど給料をもらう必要がなく、ゆるく働きたいと思っている人が多いと思います。少しは変わってきていますが。


4th point: Comparing the Danish working style and the Japanese working style

These points are about the impression the Danish work system from Japanese workers as well as recognizing the Japanese workstyle from a foreigners’ perspective

“I was surprised at the poor impression of the Japanese way of working that people from overseas think.”

“I have found that the Danish way of working is wonderful. I hope that Japan will gradually improve as well.”

“I learned that the way of thinking about communication is different in Japan and Denmark. I will actively try to communicate with people in the company.”

“Thank you for your good presentation. I thought Denmark was a very comfortable working environment. I hope Japan will have less overwork and more vacations.”

“I was able to get a different perspective on the current situation in Japan, which gave me an opportunity to think about ways of thinking and improvements in a wider world.
“To be able to look at the situation in Japan objectively and to see the future potential of our effort”

“It was interesting to see the differences in working styles in each country. I was also wondering how the vacation culture could be realized.”

“The difference between Denmark and Japan was interesting. In particular, I felt that awareness of working hours and vacations leads to productivity.”

“I wish I could take a long vacation more freely in Japan as well.
Especially in the retail industry, there are many business establishments that are making shifts when there are not enough st so I think it is quite difficult in Japan”

“Highlighting of 1/3rd of the audience opting for MAYBE. Lack of opinion is still a major problem in Japan which I feel was validated in this presentation.”

I can’t say that the Danish work environment is perfect, but I appreciate the norm and the mindset of Danish workers.



  • 海外の人が考える日本人の働き方の印象が悪いことに驚きました。

  • デンマークの働き方は素晴らしいということがわかりました。日本も徐々に改善していってほしいです。

  • 日本とデンマークでは、コミュニケーションに対する考え方が違うことを知りました。会社の人と積極的にコミュニケーションをとっていこうと思います。

  • 良いプレゼンテーションをありがとうございました。デンマークはとても働きやすい環境だと思いました。日本も過労死が減り、休みが増えるといいなと思います。

  • 日本の現状を違う角度から見ることができ、広い世界での考え方や改善策を考えるきっかけになりました。日本の現状を客観的に見ることができ、今後の努力の可能性を見出すことができました。

  • 各国での働き方の違いが興味深かったです。また、バカンス文化がどのように実現できるのかが気になりました。

  • デンマークと日本の違いが興味深かったです。特に、労働時間や休暇に対する意識が生産性につながると感じました。

  • 日本でももっと自由に長期休暇が取れればと思いました。特に小売業では、人手が足りないときにシフトを組んでいる事業所が多いので、日本ではかなり難しいと思います。

  • 回答者の1/3が「MAYBE」を選択したことを強調しました。日本ではまだ意見の欠如が大きな問題になっていますが、このプレゼンテーションでそれが証明されたと思います。


Internship at innovator Japan

It was my first time interning anywhere, but I think it was very exciting as well as educational. Innovator Japan is a very intriguing company with a lot of great people and very good work environment. There is a lot of freedom between the workers, but they all unite when it is lunchtime. Also because of the internship I got to learn about many new restaurants in Tokyo, so Thank you so much. The most exciting thing I learned doing this internship was testing my boundaries, like doing a presentation in front of many people I didn’t know on ZOOM in a language that is not my nor the listener’s first language. It was also really interesting as well as educational to research the overall case about the Japanese working style from a foreigner’s perspective.
People at this company were also really nice and caring, so the process of being an intern at this company was very easy. I especially liked the day when the cute Hachi dog (Koroちゃん?) came to the office. That dog was really adorable. I will forever remember and cherish this experience, so THANK YOU SO MUCH, and I hope we meet again someday!!!




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