HOME Other 【聞いてみた】Danish Furniture and Culture(デンマーク家具と文化について)

【聞いてみた】Danish Furniture and Culture(デンマーク家具と文化について)

高尾 有沙


ーI heard that in Denmark it is common to buy a chair with your starting salary; what kind of furniture do you plan to buy with your starting salary, or have you bought?(デンマークでは、初任給で椅子を買うのが一般的だと聞きました。Makiさんはどんな初任給で家具を買う予定、あるいは買いましたか?)

Yes, in Denmark people often buy their furniture without any loan. They therefore buy furniture depending on their salary. Most people in Denmark actually buy their furniture from the Swedish brand IKEA, because IKEA’s concept is built around a Scandinavian concept and for most Danes this is the place where you can get most furniture for most homes for an affordable price. 

そう、デンマークではローンを組まずに家具を購入することが多いのです。そのため、給料に応じて家具を購入するのです。というのも、IKEAのコンセプトはスカンジナビアンで、デンマーク人にとっては、ほとんどの家庭で使う家具を手頃な価格で手に入れることができる場所なのです。deborah-cortelazzi-gREquCUXQLI-unsplashI am a student right now and even though I live by myself I don’t have the money to buy expensive furniture, but I personally also really like the modern simple Scandinavian furniture concept, so I wish in the future to buy furniture that are within the Scandinavian brand. My mother has these classic wooden Scandinavian chairs (I cannot remember the brand), which you can see at many homes in Denmark. She also has the famous PH-lamps. I have grown up with those lamps and it was only recently that I found out that they were really expensive. Most Danes inherit furniture from their parents or grandparents (if they are quality brand furniture). 


In general, I am a really big fan of the clean, modern and simple Scandinavian interior design, so if I get the opportunity in the future to design my house as I want it, I want my house to have this look (mostly monotone colors). 


ーRecently, we have been hearing more and more about the Scandinavian concept of "Hygge" in Japan. What would the perfect hygge atmosphere be to you? And if you can think of any films or works of art that express it, let us know!(最近、日本では、北欧の「ヒュッゲ」という概念を聞くことが増えました。あなたにとって、完璧なヒュッゲとはどんな雰囲気でしょうか?また、それが表現されている映画や作品があれば教えてください!) 

Hygge atmosphere in Denmark is mostly relaxing with family or friends. In Denmark people often relax when they lie down on a couch or a bed with some blankets with a movie playing on the tv. This could be called the atmosphere of “hygge”. It can also be food gatherings like barbequing or grilling in the summer or dinner nights in the winter. “hygge” is mostly the overall atmosphere of your activity, if you’re feeling relaxed, happy, and cozy then you may experience “hygge”. 

デンマークのヒュッゲな雰囲気は、家族や友人と一緒にくつろぐことが多いようです。デンマークでは、ソファやベッドに毛布を敷いて横たわり、テレビで映画を流してリラックスすることが多いようです。これが「ヒュッゲ」の雰囲気といえるでしょう。また、夏はバーベキューやグリル、冬はディナーなど、食べ物の集まりもあります。「ヒュッゲとは、その場の雰囲気のことで、リラックスできて、楽しくて、居心地がいいと感じるなら、ヒュッゲを体験できるかもしれません。man-g9ae62a9af_1920 I sadly don’t know any movies that express the concept of hygge, but there may be books that can explain the concept in detail, ex: 





ーMy dream is to become friends with a Dane and spend some hygge time in each other’s homes. If you were invited to a Japanese home, what would you like to experience and what would you like to eat?(私の夢は、デンマーク人と友人になって、お互いの家でヒュッゲな時間を過ごすことです。もし日本人の家に招かれたとして、体験したいことや、食べたいものがあれば教えてください!)

 I am also Japanese, so I often go home to my grandparents’ house, where I experience the way typical Japanese people live, but I love how different it is from the Danish home. I love the concept of the heating table “kokatsu” in the wintertime, and this could actually also be categorized in the concept of “hygge”. This is not something you see in Denmark, but it is very “hyggeligt”. 

私は日本人でもあるので、祖父母の家によく帰り、典型的な日本人の暮らしぶりを体験しますが、デンマークの家とは違うところがとても気に入っています。冬場の暖房器具「コカツ」のコンセプトが好きなのですが、これも実は「ヒュッゲ」という概念に分類されるかもしれません。デンマークではあまり見かけない光景ですが、とても "hyggeligt "なんです。adpDSC_1091

I always appreciate being served traditional Japanese food like “Izakaya” or like simple dishes like curryrice, tonkatsu or misosoup. In Denmark people only eat Ramen or Sushi if they eat Japanese food, so food like curry and misosoup is not something I eat often in Denmark (only when my mother makes it or when I have the ingredients to make it myself).


ーThank you!(ありがとうございました!)