HOME Other Communication and IT student(学校で何を学ぶの?)

Communication and IT student(学校で何を学ぶの?)

Maki Mizushima

The second article introduces the discipline of Communication and IT. As a student in communication and IT I learn about the fine balance between the society and how the communication in the form of media has an influence in the world development as well as learning the technical IT infrastructures.

2本目の記事では、Communication and ITという学問について紹介します。コミュニケーションとITを学ぶ学生として、ITインフラを学ぶだけでなく、メディアというコミュニケーションがいかに世界の発展に影響を与えるか、社会との絶妙なバランスについて学んでいます。

First semester(前期)

I have just finished my first year at university. The first semester I learned about communication theories; about how different communication forms have been theorised and how these communication forms are used by everyday people. To give you an example, there is a Danish communication scientist by the name of Rasmus Helles. He theorised that ordinary people structure their everyday life differently according to their own personal choices and communication (interpersonal) time with other people. He would also argue that the way we use our personal medias (ex. E-mail, SMS, social network, face-to-face communication, phone etc.) differs depending on the way we structure our days. Our exam in communication theory was to memorise 28 different theories and then randomly pick one of the theories to describe to our teacher and sensor without notes face to face. This was probably one of the most difficult exams I have ever experienced.



Besides learning communication theories, I also learned about programming in the language of JavaScript as well as building webpages with HTML and CSS. Our teachers in this subject were American and Romanian, so we had to learn about programming in English which was very difficult especially for those who hadn’t learned about programming. Our exam in computer science was to answer different programming questions with JavaScript. As an example, I had to make a website for an imaginary museum that had to show different artworks as well as some text that could show up when you pressed one of the art pieces (it was not very good).



I also had to make an English dictionary for a Shakespeare text. It had to detect all the misspelled words and then you can replace them with the right word. This was probably also the hardest part in this exam. 


Nonetheless I did really well on both exams, and that made me even more excited about this education. I became really interested in programming, and later in my education I can also choose to take Python as another language in programming, which I most certainty will do. 


Second semester(後期)

In the second semester I got to study method research which is how you research a theory of yours. To give you an example, my teacher wanted to research how YouTube algorithms work. For this he had to have a research plan so he would get qualified results. Us students had to learn how to make these kinds of research plans, when we want to investigate a topic. Our exam in method research was to write a paper (6-10 pages) about a design we would want to use when we wanted to investigate a topic of our choosing. I chose to make a research design that could investigate how personal use of media depends on people’s everyday life structure. We had to write it in a week, but it was plenty of time to write it. I haven’t got my grades yes for this subject because we are on summer vacation right now. 



For the IT side of the semester, I learned about how you can design application for phones as well as other products like mouses and joysticks. We used a lot of time to learn about user experience (UX) and user interfaces (UI) as well as usability and design principles. This subject was very exciting as I had never tried to design an interface. The last thing we had to do regarding this subject was to make an application prototype (using Figma) for older people, which we called the Help App (very innovative). 



In our exam in HCC (human-centered-computering) we had to make a research of our choosing as well as answer a lot of different questions about UI/UX, usability, design principles etc. 


The project my group and I made dealt with the connection between personal information and homeless people. In Denmark all our personal information is online hidden with our security number, and that means that our access to healthcare, wealth and education lies within the internet behind our social security numbers. My group and I therefore chose to investigate how homeless people get access to their personal information when they don’t have a computer or a phone. For this we had to write 24 pages about our research plan and our concluding result that was made from interviewing homeless people as well as those who work within the healthcare system and the Danish Agency for Digitisation (those who work to optimize all of our personal information to online format). The research took 2 months to do. This had nothing to do with HCC, which we all thought was very strange. In the same exam we also had to submit our answers for the UI/UX questions. For example, there was a task to analyse the EBAY website and use our knowledge of the usability goals to find the flaws of the website. 




This exam went really well, and I got a new love for UI and UX which I think I also want to work with later, when I find out what I want to do as my career. 


What do I want to do in the future?

I don’t know quite yet what I want to do in the future, but I would definitely be working in IT. After learning about programming as well as UI and UX I have found a new love for those to different subjects. I think it’s very interesting to work with technology and I also have a big interest for it. In my future I wish to help developing the future technology and it could be from anywhere of the world. 

Though, right now, I am not too stressed about my future plans as I really enjoy going to university as well as my youth in general. My future plans will come to me sometime soon, but right now I want to enjoy the present.  

